A nevus is a freckle that forms under the retina, in the choroid. The choroid is between the sclera and the retina. A choroidal nevus is not cancer (benign), but it can become cancerous over time. This kind of cancer is called choroidal melanoma. Choroidal nevus is a congenital condition. This means you were born with genes that make a nevus develop. They are not found in babies or young children.
You may not have any signs or symptoms if the choroidal nevus is benign. If it is cancer, it may cause your retina to detach. If so, you may suffer from some of the following symptoms:
Severe pain in or around your eye
Flashing lights
Vision loss, or a dark or blind spot in the center of your eye
Seeing floaters, such as spots, cobwebs, strings, or specks
A choroidal nevus is usually diagnosed during a routine eye examination. Tests will be conducted using a machine that can view the back of your eye. A nevus is usually grey, brown, or a similar dark color. We recommend annual checkups to ensure that it has not changed to cancerous.

“This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website.
Author: Suber Huang, MD, MBA. Choroidal Nevus with Drusen.
Retina Image Bank. 2012; 1595. © the American Society of Retina Specialists."
As part of your treatment, pictures will be taken so a comparison can be made over time as to the changes that may have occurred. A choroidal nevus usually does not need to be treated. However, if your choroidal nevus is closer to orange or has thick fluid coming from it then it may be cancer and will require immediate treatment.
To learn more about treatment options relating to choroidal nevus please schedule a visit with Dr El Annan at the Annan Retina Eye Center. Please call 346-22A-NNAN to speak to a member of staff who will be more than happy to help you.

