Lattice degeneration is a congenital abnormality that involves abnormal thinning of the tissue that lines the back of the eye (peripheral retina). As the lining thins it becomes more susceptible to tears or holes and ultimately can lead to a detached retina. It can be found in one eye but is often present in both.
There are no symptoms associated with lattice degeneration. Occasionally if a tear has occurred this may result in the person experiencing a floater or light flashes.
The only diagnostic test available is a dilated fundus examination. This is done by administering eye drops in your eyes to expand the pupil so your eyes can be examined. Depending on the findings slight pressure around the eye may be applied (scleral depression), but in general no imaging tests are needed.
During the lifetime there is a very small percentage chance of a patient suffering from a retinal detachment. Retinal tears will be more common and be treated before they lead to a retinal detachment. If a new tear occurs, it should be treated immediately.
In areas where the retina has been weakened a laser treatment will be used to strengthen the area.

“This image was originally published in the Retina Image Bank® website.
Author: Hamid Ahmadieh, MD. Photographer: Solmaz Shahmohammad. Lattice Degeneration and Choroidal Nevus. Retina Image Bank. 2015; 25882. © the American Society of Retina Specialists."
To learn more about treatment options or any concerns you may have relating to Lattice Degeneration please schedule a visit with Dr El Annan at the Annan Retina Eye Center. Please call 346-22A-NNAN to speak to a member of staff who will be more than happy to help you.

