There are two types of retinal occlusions: CRAO (central retinal artery occlusion) and CRVO (central retinal vein occlusion). How does CRAO vs CRVO differ? We can further explore each and explain how they have a lot in common, as well as how one might treat or protect themselves against the onset of symptoms.
When blood vessels are damaged it leads to bleeding or leakage of fluid into the retina and can cause vision loss, and one of these characteristics that CRVO and CRAO possess is of damage to the blood vessels due to blockage.
CRAO is when the main artery that carries blood to the nerve cells in the retina gets blocked and CRVO is when the main vein that drains blood from the retina is blocked. As CRVO and CRAO are considered to be a “stroke of the eye”, if a blood clot separates and reaches the brain, you are at high risk for a stroke to the brain. Both retinal vascular occlusions can result in vision loss if not treated rapidly, so it’s better to be safe than sorry by getting regular eye exams.
Risk factors for CRAO vs CRVO:
It’s hard to determine the exact cause of CRAO and CRVO, but we do know that what

increases blood clots (birth control, smoking, etc) in the body, will increase the risk of blood clots to the retina. If you have a history of high blood pressure, glaucoma, or diabetes it’s also important to get these conditions under control. At the age of 50, we are more susceptible to deterioration or damage to the retina so if you have recently celebrated your 50th birthday, schedule a visit for an eye exam today. Other ways we can reduce our risk is by eating a healthy diet, exercise, and stopping smoking. All these factors can reduce your risk of a blood vessel blockage.
When comparing CRAO vs CRVO, the main difference is what is blocking the flow of blood to and from the retina, but the commonality is the problem at hand and therefore common action can be taken for both retinal occlusions. Potential treatments may be anti-VEGF drugs injections or laser treatment, but we advise you to contact Dr. El Annan at the Annan Retina Eye Center for further management
If you are noticing any changes in vision, you can schedule your next visit with Dr. El Annan at the Annan Retina Eye Center. Please call 346-222-6626 to speak to a member of staff who will be more than happy to help you.