Dr. El Annan’s research interests pertain to angiogenesis and retinal vascular diseases, including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and venous occlusive diseases.
Having participated in several national randomized clinical trials, written national meeting presentations and abstracts, and published more than 32 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, Dr. El Annan is viewed by his peers as a leading expert in his field.
Dr El Annan has been deeply involved with teaching residents and fellows for over 6 years at University of Texas Medical Branch, where he served as Director of Retina Service and Surgical Retina Fellowship training program.
Dr. El Annan will continue to educate future Ophthalmologists and Vitreoretinal Surgeons both at Baylor College of Medicine and University of Texas Medical Branch.
Retina Research Foundation

The Retina Research Foundation (RRF) is the largest private charity focused on retina research in the United States of America. Since being founded the RRF has allocated over $31 million to fund research and development into reducing retinal blindness. Dr. El Annan is proud to serve as a Scientific Advisor Trustee for such as worthy cause since 2019.
1. Principal Investigator, Efficacy of anti-aggregation diluent (F-14) for topical ocular antibody delivery of anti-VEGF immunotherapy, funded by United Molecule LLC (Jan 2019) amount of 30,000$.
2. Co-Principal Investigator, Investigation of Zika virus-induced retinopathy using developing mouse retina. NIH R21 (P71774B01-R21EY02911201A1) effective 2/1/19-1/31/20.
3. Principal Investigator, Efficacy of Anti-aggregation Diluent for Topical Ocular Ranibizumab (Lucentis®) Delivery in Rabbits. Genentech. (Scientifically approved 9/23/2019). They will provide us with 250 mg of Lucentis (worth above 500,000 $) for this study.
National Clinical Trials
1. Principal Investigator, Gray Bug Vision, GBV-102-001Phase II, A Phase of Multicenter Study Evaluating Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Intravitreal Depot formulation of Sutinib Malate (GB102) in subjects with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration (IND 128451)
2. Principal Investigator, Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network
3. Principal Investigator, “A Phase 2, Multi-Center, Randomised, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, Efficacy, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of GSK933776 in Adult Patients with Geographic Atrophy (GA) Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)”
4. Investigator, “Safety and Efficacy of Abicipar Pegol (AGN150998) in Patients with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration”
View Dr El Annan's publications here

