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Welcome to the Annan Retina Eye Center. We look forward to your visit and aim to make it as comfortable and stress free as possible. Our friendly and knowledgeable medical professionals will do all they can to expedite your initial evaluation and treat you with unmatched care and compassion.





Once you have made your first appointment, please download our patient registration form. Filling out this paperwork prior to your appointment will expedite the registration process on arrival. Please hand in your completed form on your arrival.




Your initial visit will involve a comprehensive examination and evaluation of your existing medical condition. Before you see Dr. El Annan, a valued member of our team will take a detailed medical history, perform visual screening tests, and administer drops to dilate your pupils.


This procedure is required in order to view the retina. Dilation typically lasts for up to three hours, so we highly recommend that you arrange for a family member or friend to drive you home from your appointment.





Dr. El Annan is dedicated to providing you with the very best medical and surgical care. Once the initial tests have been completed, Dr. El Annan will fully review your medical history with you and examine your eyes.


On completion Dr. El Annan will explain his findings and, if necessary, make recommendations for further tests to be completed. Once a diagnosis is established, different treatment options will be discussed, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions or concerns you may have.


Many retinal disorders are treated inhouse and can often be completed at the time of your visit. Please expect an additional 30-45 minutes wait time if such a treatment is needed.




When checking out please ensure to book a follow up appointment (if necessary) with the front desk. They will be able to assist you with any inquiries you may have relating to your ongoing treatment.

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